My Fear
by Casey Jespon
© 1999
As four tears fall from my heart
A steel foot jams its big toe into my eye
As I set the heavy stone down for a breather,
the foreman cuts off my arms.
A flower beams in the sunglight
But a wandering middle-schooler
pulls off both its leaves
And a passerby tramples all the nearby grass
The flower sulks there
unable to cry for lack of tear ducts.
The mother yells at the flower for not smiling,
But I stare at it, radiating sympathy.
I try to throw a baseball over a building
but it bounces off a first story window.
I try to bounce it off the wall
and it breaks through the aforementioned window.
I try to throw it at the ground
and I miss miserably.
Really Really Nice Guy is highly popular in school.
Asks literally every girl to the prom
but spends the night with his Playstation.
Sits alone in the corner of Old Folks Home
while the hundreds of couples dance to swing music.
His whole life amounted to cholesterol.

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