Pondering Gross Tribblewizzies
Gantribbly whatnot
Is flouterhasen gloramu
As I flutterwall stingwingilies
By sphinctorial blatterhaw
Where captravity meets whosdawhatsit.
The green frizzlewizzle
Sits ambidowishtly by
Gibwronity threeowgououshly
With five hairy transglozels,
And eleventy-seven kraerlabriks
Build gruntwoggly toenoritzi
Only to meditacular aeristocrenies
Is a timedbaruer wokerthin.
So go yellowly indeebterbated
Like hmock pockets of travishant
For querly
Lest bivaldium don't yaltikoon
My last jergit of bloopondiumismy.
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