Lost I My Brain
by Casey Jespon
© 1998
Thursday, February thirty-second, nineteen-ninety-twelve:
I lost my mind again. I think a penguin took it. I asked my mom, but she just gave me $50 and told me to go buy some Magic cards. Where was I? Oh yeah, I'm off to the card shop. At the card shop I met a 32,000 year-old schyzophrenic who went to school in Hell. I says "What a coincidence! I go to Summit!" He told me my brain was in Brooklyn. I went home and told my mom and asked if I could go to Brooklyn. She told me my brain's in the jar where I lefted it. If I don't have my brain in, I kant thikn strait! Boy was I a blunder! Anyways, I have to go know, my homework's due last tomorrow and I lost my brain so I have to go find it. I think it's in Brooklyn.
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