This is my tribute to The Lord of the Rings, the greatest books AND movies I've ever seen AND read! Feel free to read the books whenever you can, and if you want to watch the movies, I'll let you buy yourself the DVDs, with special attention to the Extended Editions. Behold the Preciousssssss!
Here is a collection of poems I've written. So far I have mostly just poems for the Fellowship, once each, but more will be added. Just click on a face to find each poem.
Here are some drawings I've made. Most of these were doodled during my college math class and later colored haphazardly, so they're not all that good, but I had fun making them.
Here are some links to my favorite Lord of the Rings websites. Some of these you must check out.
And here's my (nearly) complete LotR autograph collection!
Here is The Fellowship of the Pants: many lines from the movie where the word "pants" replaces other words. It's laugh-your-ass-off funny, if you've seen the movie.
Part 1
Part 2
Click here for the Lord of the Pants sequal! (written mostly by me)(And updated for Extended Edition).
Part 1
Part 2
And here you have it, all new, Volume 3 of the Pants!
Part 1
Part 2
Here is The Fellowship of the Ring: Breadbox Edition. I found this on a message board, and I don't know who wrote it. It's a general recap of the movie, explained briefly in a way that makes it funny. Sort of a satire. If you like the movie, you should like this. I have not changed it at all, save adding color.
Here is a collection of "Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road", Lord of the Rings edition.
Two poems giving the A - Z of the Silmarillion
Peoplefrom the Sil.
Places & Things from the Sil.
A parody of Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs & Ham.
Read reviews and see pictures from the wonderful RingCons of Washington.
Here's 30 lines that sound rather, well, pervy, when taken out of context. For your pleasure.